Saturday, October 3, 2009

ISO 9001 Quality Policy

ISO 9001 Quality Policy
The standard requires the quality policy to be appropriate to the purpose of the organization.
The purpose of an organization is quite simply the reason for its existence and as Peter Drucker so eloquently put it there is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer”(Drucker, Peter F., 1977)2 . In ensuring that the quality policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organization, it must be appropriate to the customers the organization desires to create. It is therefore necessary to establish who the customers are, where the customers are, what they buy or wish to receive and what these customers regard as value. As stated above, the quality policy is the corporate policy and such policies exist to channel actions and decisions along a path that will fulfil the organization’s purpose and mission. A goal of the organization may be the attainment of ISO 9001 certification and thus a quality policy of meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 would be consistent with such a goal, but goals are not the same as purpose as indicated in the box to the right. Clearly no organization would have ISO 9001 certification as its purpose because certification is not a reason for existence – an objective maybe but not a purpose.
Policies expressed as short catchy phrases such as “to be the best” really do not channel actions and decisions. They become the focus of ridicule when the organization’s fortunes change. There has to be a clear link from mission to quality policy.
Policies are not expressed as vague statements or emphatic statements using the words may, should or shall, but clear intentions by use of the words ‘we will’
– thus expressing a commitment or by the words ‘we are, we do, we don’t, we have’ expressing shared beliefs. Very short statements tend to become slogans which people chant but rarely understand the impact on what they do. Their virtue is that they rarely become outdated. Long statements confuse people because they contain too much for them to remember. Their virtue is that they not only define what the company stands for but how it will keep its promises.
In the ISO 9001 definition of quality policy it is suggested that the eight quality management principles be used as a basis for establishing the quality policy.
One of these principles is the Customer Focus principle. By including in the quality policy the intention to identify and satisfy the needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties and the associated strategy by which this will be achieved, this requirement would be fulfilled. The inclusion of the strategy is important because the policy should guide action and decision. Omitting the strategy may not ensure uniformity of approach and direction.
The standard requires that the quality policy include a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
A commitment to comply with requirements means that the organization should undertake to meet the requirements of all interested parties. This means meeting the requirements of customer, suppliers, employees, investors, owners and society. Customer requirements are those either specified or implied by customers or determined by the organization and these are dealt with in more detail under clauses 5.2 and 7.2.1. The requirements of employees are those covered by legislation such as access, space, environmental conditions, equal opportunities and maternity leave but also the legislation appropriate to minority groups such as the disabled and any agreements made with unions or other representative bodies. Investors have rights also and these will be addressed in the investment agreements. The requirements of society are those obligations resulting from laws, statutes, regulations etc.
An organization accepts such obligations when it is incorporated as a legal entity, when it accepts orders from customers, when it recruits employees, when it chooses to trade in regulated markets and when it chooses to use or process materials that impact the environment.
The effectiveness of the management system is judged by the extent to which it fulfils its purpose. Therefore improving effectiveness means improving the capability of the management system. Changes to the management system that improve its capability i.e its ability to deliver outputs that satisfy all the interested parties, are a certain types of change and not all management system changes will accomplish this. This requirement therefore requires top management to pursue changes that bring about an improvement in performance.


Establishing The Initial State of The ISO 9001 QMS For SME
The implementation of an ISO 9001 conformant system must recognize that it is but a step in a long-term development of a continually improving QMS. Unfortunately, it is often the case that ISO 9001 is taken as a means to an end, where the implementation of a QMS is not the primary objective, rather certification is. As a result, SMEs may end up with stacks of documentation waiting to be processed that adds no value, but cost.
According to the requirements of ISO 9001, an organization must develop only six documented procedures: (1) control of documents, (2) control of quality records, (3) internal audits, (4) control of non-conformities, (5) corrective action, and (6) preventative action. A quality manual and several records are also required. The development of other procedures, work instructions, and
other documents is largely at the discretion of the organization. From the very beginning of the process, it is therefore essential that SMEs establish a balanced view between a short-term focus (marketing/sales) and a long-term focus (achieving company-wide quality awareness through TQM). ISO documentation should be considered as an enabler along that way and SMEs must guard against the creation of unnecessary documentation.
However, even when such a view is adopted, many SMEs struggle to move from their initial state to a fully functional ISO 9001 QMS. Over the last several years, we have been involved in ISO 9001 implementation projects in seven different SMEs. The SMEs have ranged in size from approximately 20 employees to 500 employees. The SMEs have been drawn from a variety of sectors in Virginia, including manufacturing, distribution, and services. Based on our experience, we developed a schematic of initial states of an organization in terms of the existence and functionality of the ISO 9001 QMS . Throughout this paper, existence is equated with the documentation required by the standard while functionality is equated with an effectively operated QMS that leads to increased customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of business results.
A successful QMS must be fully functional and appropriately documented. With that in mind, there are four main states in which SMEs can be located in the beginning of the implementation process:
1. Complete Death: No documentation, no functioning.
This is the state in which there is no indication of the existence and functionality of the QMS. No documentation exists and no processes are in place to help ensure the quality of the product.
Relatively few companies will find themselves in this situation.
2. Informally Alive: No documentation, some level of functioning.
Many SMEs exhibit an organic structure characterized by an absence of standardization and the prevalence of loose and informal working relationships. SMEs operating in this state are more likely to rely on people rather than a system. In such situations, key personnel may resist documentation for two key reasons “(1) documentation is considered a waste of time and (2) documentation of processes and procedures makes the individual less dependable” [2]. SMEs in this state perform some or all of the processes required by ISO 9001 and the QMS may function fairly well. However, they are not willing and ready to document those processes unless there is a cultural change lead by top management.
3. Formally Death: Some level of documentation, no functioning.
SMEs categorized in this state have documented processes and procedures at some degree, however, the documents are generally not followed and do not necessarily reflect the actual manner in which the organization undertakes its operations and management. This situation highlights the fact that the mere existence of documentation does not necessarily lead to a functional QMS. Moreover, such a situation may help perpetuate the view that ISO 9001 is a way for SMEs to market their products and services but that implementation of the standard requires stacks of documents that offer no value.
4. Formally Alive: Some level of documentation, some level of functioning.
Each SME considered in this state, achieves a unique combination of the existence and functionality of processes and procedures that may or may not be required by ISO 9001. This situation is closest to the desired state of full functionality (100%) of the ISO 9001 QMS and full documentation (100%) of this functionality.