ISO 14001 – Application to Small and Medium Size Enterprises
Most of the development and application of EMS has taken place in large companies. The use of such systems in small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) has been limited—although it is in this segment of industry that some of the largest benefits might be anticipated, because of the difficulty of regulating large numbers of small firms and the potential efficiency improvements that are believed to exist. In practice, however, the characteristics of the typical SME make the adoption of EMS difficult: most SMEs do not have a formal management structure, they lack technically trained personnel, and they are subject to severe short-term pressures on cash flow.
Anecdotal evidence indicates that an EMS cannot be used to drive improved performance in a poorly organized SME. Targeted training in management and quality control can improve overall performance, including its environmental aspects, and can provide a basis for more specific EMS development. Many firms can reap significant benefits from introducing quality management concepts, even where they are not aiming at formal certification. Any steps in this direction should be encouraged.
An EMS, as normally envisaged, builds on existing production and quality management systems. Where such systems are weak or ineffective, as is often the case in enterprises that have poor environmental performance, a better management framework has to be established before focusing on the details of the EMS. The costs of establishing an EMS will therefore obviously depend on the starting point in terms of both management systems and environmental performance.
The ecoefficiency savings can, in some cases, pay for the costs of establishing the EMS, particularly if most of the planning and organizational work is carried out in-house. However, a poor performer will very likely have to invest in production upgrading or pollution control in order to meet environmental requirements, and these costs can be significant.
A full EMS can be complex and can require an appreciable commitment of operational resources.
However, the final system can be reached reasonably through a series of discrete steps, starting from a basic, simple procedure and becoming more comprehensive and sophisticated as capabilities and resources allow. In this way, even a small enterprise can begin to put in place the basic elements of an ISO 14001 system and can develop them at an appropriate pace. Once the basic EMS is in place, it is possible to carry out a gap analysis and to make a balanced judgment on the costs and benefits of seeking certification.
A related issue is the coverage of the EMS. Certification is normally for specific sites or facilities.
A large enterprise may have a number of different sites and production facilities and may choose to seek certification only for a subset of the sites.
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