Sunday, August 7, 2011

ISO 14001 Essential

ISO 14001 certification deals with Environment Management System. Environmental management system of an organization can be issued by organization for the designing and implementation of an effective management system. This certification promotes the effective and efficient management in the organization. It provides various tools which are system based, cost effective, flexible and reflect the relevant information for the environment. It was originally developed to help organizations to reduce the negative aspects of the environment. With an improved environment, a company can attain better economical benefits.

There are numerous benefits which can happen like minimizing the risk of regulatory and environment liability fines, improved efficiency, reduce operating cost with minimum wastage and used resources, business with multiple locations need not register at different at every location. Most important benefits that companies have today is that more and more companies are applying these applications to get maximum benefits and to get competitive edge as well. ISO 14001 does not specify any levels of standard for environmental performance. If it is specified the levels of environmental performance then it has to be for every business unit which is not the intention for its formation. The overall objective of making ISO 14001 is to provide a framework for a holistic and strategic approach for the organizations environmental policy.

An ISO 14001 is completely voluntary and completely different concept. Its prime objective is to comply with all business legislation and continually improve the business environment performance. This application actually helps to achieve the set business targets and goals within timeframe. Two business can completely have different measures and standards but they still will be having ISO 14001 certification. An ISO consulting and training provide assistance to a business about how to get the ISO 14001 certification. They will teach you all the process to make your process standardized that complies with certification. There are various steps for the certification mentioned below:

Establishing plans, objectives and process required.
Implementation of the process.
Checking of EMS by measuring process and reporting of business.
Improving EMS further based on reporting.
Continual improvement process.

An comprehensive ISO 14001 certification is essential to bring an organization with improved long term goal achievement, a positive reputation and increasing value of a company. A good training person or registrar can make you eligible for certification and also help you to increase your company performance and reduce the costs.



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    ISO 9001

  2. There is no specific deadline associated with ISO 27001 Audit - it is only a recommendation that your organization implements and complies with ISO 27001 because of the benefits it can bring. Increasingly though, many procurement departments regardless of whether they are from the private, third or government sector are listing ISO 27001 compliance as part of their tendering criteria.
